Ecological Park Complex to be established in Azerbaijan's Ganja

An Ecological Park Complex will be built in the floriculture area of the Greenery Department of the Housing and Communal Services Union of the Ganja City Executive Power.

According to the western bureau of Report, the complex, with a peculiar design, will create all conditions for the comfort of residents.

The head of Ganja City Executive Power, Niyazi Bayramov, visited the floriculture area of ​​the Greenery Department and got acquainted with the preparations for the Ecological Park Complex to be established here. The mayor was informed that the complex, located on the right bank of the Ganjachay River, will cover an area of ​​11 hectares. Various species of flowers, as well as tree seedlings will be grown and entertainment centers, sports facilities, catering facilities, etc. will be constructed here. In addition, the complex will have an aquarium for various species of fish.

Niyazi Bayramov inspected the area for the construction of the Ecological Park Complex and gave relevant instructions.

Note that there are a total of 14 parks and recreation areas in Ganja. In order to provide these places with greenery, about 60,000 flowers of 30 species and 20 species of trees are grown in the Floriculture Farm.

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