Climatologist: Current weather terms in Azerbaijan will continue

Baku. 10 October. REPORT.AZ/ "Currently observed weather conditions is not typical for this month".

Researcher of the Geography and Agroclimatology Department of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), Climate and Geography PhD, Climatologist, Maharram Hasanov told Report.

Climatologist said that currently, the temperature is higher than climate norm: "Such weather in the republic is expected to last three to four days. The temperature may rise slightly as south air masses entered the territory about a week ago and continue to dominate. Yesterday strong north-westerly wind observed, however, didn't change air masses".

He said that severe temperature fall is not expected.

Expert said that such weather conditions has negative impact neither on human health nor on agriculture: "This a sowing period of winter crops. Such weather conditions is very favorable for agriculture, in particular, for cotton harvesting."

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