Chairman: Geological Exploration Agency prioritizes involvement of deposits in Karabakh, East Zangazur into economic cycle

One of the main priority areas of the Geological Exploration Agency this year is the involvement of mineral deposits in the Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur economic regions into the economic cycle, said Chairman of the Board of Geological Exploration Agency Ali Aliyev, Report informs.

"According to the approved Action Plan for the Great Return to the Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur economic regions, the Agency will carry out works related to putting mineral deposits into use and ensuring underground protection. At the initial stage, it is planned to issue permits to use common mineral deposits in those areas to implement construction projects related to reconstruction and restoration in Karabakh and the East Zangazur economic regions," he said.

Aliyev added that the data stored in the Geological Information Fund was analyzed, taking into account the demand for raw materials in the country for the next year, and the deposit areas planned to be auctioned for the next year were sent to the relevant state institutions for approval.

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