Baku hosts 8th Caspian Ecology 2017 conference

Baku. 15 November. REPORT.AZ/ For the first time within the framework of Caspian Ecology 2017 exhibition, organizers have held a conference on "Functional Ecology and Environment".

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Irada Ibrahimova told Report.

She said that the exhibition started on November 14: "The conference focused on the most pressing environmental issues in the region such as: "Protection of water resources and effective management", "Energy efficiency in water use and development of environmentally friendly technologies", "Tamiz Shahar" OJSC activities, "Environmental management within the framework of sustainable development principles", "Application of the principles of" green economy "for the purpose of environmental protection", "Global warming", "The role of vehicles in pollution of the environment".

Experts of MENR, "Azərsu" OJSC, representatives of IDEA PU, "Tamiz Shahar" OJSC and NGO heads made speeches at the event and held extensive discussions.

The purpose of the conference is to establish dialogue, exchange of views and experiences between government agencies, business circles and expert organizations.

Notably, Caspian Ecology 8th Azerbaijan International Environmental Exhibition organized by the Caspian Event Organisers, CEO, supported by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Public Association IDEA (International dialogue in the name of environmental protection).  

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