Azerbaijan weather forecast for July 5

Sunny weather is expected in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula on July 5, Report informs, citing the National Hydrometeorological Service of Azerbaijan.

A south wind will prevail on July 5, which will be replaced by a northwestern one in the afternoon.

The temperature on the Absheron peninsula will be +22 - +26 C at night, +35 - +38 in the daytime. In Baku, the temperature will be +24 - +26 C at night, and +36 - +38 C in the daytime. Atmospheric pressure will be below average at 748 mm Hg, relative humidity will be 60-65% at night, and 35-40% during the day.

The seawater temperature in Sumgayit, Novkhani, Pirshaghi, Nardaran, Bilgah, Zagulba will be +24 - +25 C, and +25 - +26 C in Turkan, Hovsan, Sahil, and Shikhov.

It will be primarily rainless in the regions. However, showers are possible in some northern and western districts. West wind will blow. The temperature will be +22 - +27 C at night, +35 - +40 C in the daytime. In the highlands, it will be +15 - +20 C at night, and +26 - +31 C in the daytime.

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