Azerbaijan's weather service chief predicts abnormally hot summer

Azerbaijan is gearing up for a sweltering summer as temperatures are expected to soar above the climatic norm in most regions of the country. This alarming forecast comes directly from Nazim Mahmudov, the head of the National Hydrometeorological Service, according to Report.

Mahmudov said projections from the World Meteorological Organization's regional climate centers indicate that temperatures on the Absheron Peninsula and other districts will exceed the climatic average. Some days may even experience anomalous heat, pushing the limits of what Azerbaijanis typically endure during the summer months.

While precipitation levels are expected to remain close to the climatic norm in most areas, some locations may see slightly lower rainfall.

Mahmudov emphasized, "Historically, July and August have always been the hottest months in Azerbaijan due to its geographical position. However, against the backdrop of global climate change and the impact of heat waves, it's highly likely that this summer will see more prolonged periods of intense heat compared to previous years."

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