Azerbaijan elaborating program to prevent pollution of Okhchuchay by Armenia 

The Working Group on Environmental Issues of the Interdepartmental Center under the Coordination Headquarters, created for the centralized solution of issues in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan, has held the next regular meeting.

Report informs that the meeting was attended by the officials of the Representations of the President of Azerbaijan in Shusha and Aghdam, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Agriculture, Amelioration, and Water Management OJSC, and other relevant government agencies.

The group members were informed about the comprehensive monitoring of the ecological situation in the occupied territories, including control of transboundary rivers, carried out to assess the environmental situation in accordance with the "Action Plan to address military-political, socio-economic, humanitarian, organizational and other urgent issues in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan."

In order to research the expansion of monitoring conducted in the Okhchuchay River, polluted in Armenia, as well as the conduct of biomonitoring along with the physical and chemical analysis, determination of indicator types that are vulnerable to heavy metals, and calculation of biomass of such types, a program is being elaborated with the involvement of scientific institutions.

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