478 quakes occurred over last month in Azerbaijan

Baku. 5 February. REPORT.AZ/ In January, in the territory of Azerbaijan and neighboring countries (Dagestan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey and Iran) as a whole recorded 788 aftershocks, 478 of them occurred in Azerbaijan.

Report was told by the director general acting under the ANAS Republican Seismological Service Center Gurban Yetirmishli.

According to him, the two aftershocks were the strongest.One of them, was 5 points magnitude, recorded on January 26 in Shabran and the other in the vicinity of Nakhchivan.The strength of the 17 aftershocks exceeded 3-3.5 on the Richter scale.I would like to note that the first half is always the most seismically active.

G.Yetirmishli added that the greatest number of aftershocks recorded in Shamakhi-Ismayilli zone, the Caspian Sea, the Caspian area of Absheron to Khizi district, Talysh zone, Nakhchivan and the south-western territories:

In general, tremors occur periodically in the northern zone of the Greater Caucasus, in the south-western region - Ganja, Agstafa, Gazakh, Mingechevir and Nakhchivan, Armenia and Zangezur zone.Earthquakes occur rarely in Karabakh zone, the middle and lower Kura.

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