2 C frost in Baku - ACTUAL WEATHER

Baku. 23 November. REPORT.AZ/ Actual weather terms in Azerbaijan were announced.

Report informs referring to the National Hydrometeorology Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, unstable weather conditions continued in the country till November 23 morning, snow observed in some places.

Amount of precipitation in Rvarud (Lerik) 12, Agsu 5, Lerik 4, Ismayilli, Altiaghaj, 3 Gabala, Shabran, Kishchay, Yardimli 2, Oguz, Shamakhi, Khachmaz, Nabran, Kalvaz, Lankaran, Astara, Gazakh, Jafarkhan, Sabirabad, Kurdamir, Goychay, Tartar, Barda, Guba, Sheki, Dashkesen 1, in Absheron peninsula Mashtaga 3, Baku, Alat, Chilov Island, Oil Rocks, Bina, Sumgait, Montin, Pirallahi made 1 mm.

Height of snow cover in Altiaghaj 8, Rvarud, Khinaliq 4, Shabran 3, Sarıbash, Ismayilli, Guba, Kalvaz - 1 cm.

The minimum temperature in Baku and Absheron - 2 C, Aran, 0-2, in the mountainous regions -6-8, Nakhchivan AR 7-11, Mountainous areas of the Greater Caucasus -13-16 C of frost observed.

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