Ziyafat Asgarov: Appointment of Mehriban Aliyeva will contribute to further strengthening of social state

Baku. 7 March. REPORT.AZ/ "In addition to being democratic and secular, Azerbaijan is also a social state. As Mehriban Aliyeva said herself she will mainly deal with solution of social problems and greatly contribute to further strengthening of social state in Azerbaijan. I can say with full confidence that Mrs.Aliyeva is a professional politician, canny, experienced, principled person. As she stated herself, being the closest associate of dear President, she will also help to the head of state".

Report informs, Milli Majlis Deputy Chairman Ziyafat Asgarov said at today's plenary session of the parliament.

He said that humanism is one of the qualities, characterizing Mehriban Aliyeva: "On the initiative of Mehriban Aliyeva, 4 acts of amnesty have been adopted in Azerbaijan so far. As a result of these acts, thousands of people came together with their families again and gained freedom. Issue of acts of amnesty is not only legal issue, but also coming of thousands of people together with their families is an indicator of humanism of the state".

 Vice Speaker noted that on September 26, 2016, referendum was held in the country, changes and amendments made to the Constitution of Azerbaijan: "The institute of vice-presidency was established in Azerbaijan. This management mechanism will be improved".

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