YAP Deputy Chairman: Azerbaijan’s modern reality - result of Heydar Aliyev's farsighted policy

The modern Azerbaijan reality is related to the farsighted policy, eternal ideas, and rich statehood heritage of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, said Tahir Budagov, deputy chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) and head of the party's Central Office, Report informs.

He made the remark during his speech at the international conference titled “Organization of Turkic States: towards new strategic goals in the context of geopolitical realities and global cataclysms" in Shusha.

According to Budagov, in the first years of independence, Azerbaijan faced economic decline and political chaos, while neighboring Armenia took advantage of the existing geopolitical conditions and the crisis situation in Azerbaijan to occupy its lands:

"The National Leader's return to Baku on June 9, 1993, and his election as the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Azerbaijan on June 15 marked the salvation of Azerbaijan. By performing a leadership mission at a complex historical stage, the wise statesman did unparalleled work that served to ensure national solidarity, develop the country, protect state interests, and preserve traditions of statehood. He defined clear prospects for Azerbaijan by making great historical strides," Budagov said.

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