Statement by political parties operating in Azerbaijan regarding US President’s position on so-called “Armenian genocide”

Political parties operating in Azerbaijan have issued a statement regarding the position of the US President on the so-called “Armenian genocide” issue.

"Report" presents the statement.

“Underpinned by historical falsifications, Armenian statehood has always resorted to various provocations. For decades, the Armenian propaganda machine and its supporters have tried to prove that a “genocide” was committed against Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and to convince the whole world of that. The truth is that during World War I, many Armenians lost their lives due to difficult fighting conditions, internal conflicts, famine and disease. However, it is intentionally overlooked that more Turks died than Armenians during that period.

If the goal is an objective study of historical facts, the historical reality should not be distorted for political purposes and this work should be entrusted to specialized international research institutions, as well as well-known historians. Turkey has repeatedly stated its readiness to open its archives to historians and proposed the establishment of a joint commission to find out the truth.

Yerevan’s insidious policy is backed up by ludicrous demands and claims such as compensation and transfer of a part of Turkish territory to Armenia. The naming of the eastern provinces of Turkey as “Western Armenia” in Armenian literature also serves to formalize these claims.

Armenia's policy towards falsification of historical facts and expansionism has been pursued not only against brotherly Turkey, but also against Azerbaijan for many years. More than 12,000 Turkic Muslims were killed during the March 1918 genocide alone. The bodies of many of them were not even found. Another tragedy of the 20th century is the Khojaly genocide. On 26 February 1992, Armenian military units committed a heinous crime in the town of Khojaly with a population of 7,000. These tragedies are among the gravest crimes against not only the people of Azerbaijan, but also the entire humanity. The fact that these crimes, which are a clear manifestation of the aggressive Armenian policy, have not received political and legal assessment for many years is the embodiment of the policy of double standards.

Not only Armenia and the Armenian lobby, but also global superpowers pursuing imperialist interests in the region are behind the so-called “Armenian genocide” floating around on the world agenda. The so-called “Armenian genocide” is only a tool of political pressure and a manifestation of the policy of double standards. It would be good if the forces searching for the “historical truth” demanded an account for the brutal killings Armenian nationalists committed in Central Anatolia.

Political parties operating in Azerbaijan state they have always stood by brotherly Turkey and strongly condemn the position of the US President on the so-called “Armenian genocide”, who nurtures the sick Armenians ideals. Such approaches provoke intolerance between countries and peoples and pose a threat to the sustainable peaceful development of regions and humanity as a whole.

1. Deputy Chairman of New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) Head of Central Apparatus– Tahir Budagov

2. Chairman of Civil Solidarity Party Sabir Rustamkhanli

3. Chairman of Ana Vatan (Motherland) Party Fazail Aghamali

4. Chairman of Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party Gudrat Hasanguliyev

5. Chairman of Great Establishment Party Fazil Mustafa

6. Chairman of Unity Party Tahir Karimli

7. Chairman of Azerbaijan Democratic Enlightenment Party Elshan Musayev

8. Chairman of Party of Democratic Reforms Asim Mollazade

9. Chairman of Citizen Unity Party Sabir Hajiyev

10. Chairman of National Front Party Razi Nurullayev

11. Chairman of REAL party Ilgar Mammadov

12. Chairman of Azerbaijan Hope Party Igbal Aghazade

13. Chairman of Classic Popular Front Party Mirmahmud Fattayev

14. Chairman of Azerbaijan People's Party Panah Huseyn

15.Chairman of Azerbaijan Democratic Party Sardar Jalaloghlu

16.Chairman of Great Azerbaijan Party Elshad Musayev

17. Chairman of Citizen and Development Party Ali Aliyev

18. Chairman of Azerbaijan National Independence Party Arzukhan Alizade

19. Chairman of AG Party Tural Abbasli

20. Chairman of Justice Party Ilyas Ismayilov

21. Chairman of National Revival Movement Party Faraj Guliyev

22. Chairman of Modern Musavat Party Hafiz Hajiyev

23. Chairman of Free Democrats Party Sulhaddin Akbar

24. Chairman of Liberal Democratic Party of Azerbaijan Fuad Aliyev

25. Chairman of National Unity Party Yunus Oghuz

26. Chairman of Aydinlar Party Gulamhuseyn Alibayli

27. Chairman of Alliance Party for the Sake of Azerbaijan Abutalib Samadov

28. Chairman of Azerbaijan Social Democratic Party Araz Alizade

29. Chairman of Yeni Zaman Party Musa Aghayev

30. Chairwoman of Azerbaijan Social Welfare Party Asli Kazimova

31. Chairman of Republican People's Party Babraddin Guliyev

32. Chairman of Independent People's Party Aflan Ibrahimov

33. Chairman of Unity Party Khudadat Khudiyev

34. Chairman of United Azerbaijan National Unity Party Hajibaba Azimov

35. Chairman of National Solidarity Party Alisahib Huseynov

36. Chairman of Republican Party of Azerbaijan Subut Asadov

37. Chairman of Free Republican Party of Azerbaijan Kamil Seyidov

38. Chairman of Freedom Party Ahmad Orujov

39. Chairman of Azerbaijan Evolution Party Teyyub Ganioglu

40. Chairman of National Democratic Party of Azerbaijan Tufan Karimov

41. Chairman of Azerbaijan Liberal Party Avaz Temirkhan

42. Chairman of Gorgud Party Firudin Karimov

43. Chairman of National Democratic Party of Cognition Osman Afandi

44. Chairman of National Congress Party Ikhtiyar Shirinov

45. Chairman of Future Azerbaijan Party Aghasif Shakiroghlu

46. Chairman of Social Justice Party Matlab Mutallimov

47. Azerbaijan Communist Party-Haji Hajiyev and Rauf Gurbanov

48. Deputy Chairwoman of Azerbaijani Fighters Party Saadat Muslumova

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