State Security Service calls on Armenian population of Karabakh region to hand over weapons

The State Security Service (SSS) appealed to the Armenian population of the Karabakh region, Report informs.

"The State Security Service calls on the Armenian residents of the Karabakh region to contribute to the general development of the regions included in the Karabakh economic region of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as to the well-being of the Armenian population, their peaceful reintegration into the Azerbaijani society, and the resolution of their social and humanitarian issues, to refrain from actions that threaten the protection of the rule of law, stability and public safety, destruction of property, documents and other illegal actions, and to hand over their weapons as soon as possible.

"Full protection of the rights and freedoms of persons of Armenian nationality who have handed over weapons and comply with the requirements of the relevant legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan is provided," said SSS Press service.

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