Siyavush Novruzov: Emin Huseynov secretly taken abroad from Azerbaijan

Baku. 16 June. REPORT.AZ/ Deputy Executive Secretary of the ruling "Yeni Azerbaijan" Party (New Azerbaijan Party - NAP), MP Siyavush Novruzov expressed his attitude to the taking from the country of the head of the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety Azerbaijan, a long time kept at the Swiss Embassy in Azerbaijan, Emin Huseynov.

As S.Novruzov said to Report, Emin Huseynov was taken from Azerbaijan secretly, which is illegal.

According to the Deputy Executive Secretary of NAP, Head of the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety Azerbaijan must answer before the law for their activities in Azerbaijan: "The Swiss Embassy in Azerbaijan for a long time concealed Emin Huseynov. 160 thousand of a grant issued him in sum of 1 million 500 thousand manats had to be paid as tax. Tax evasion is a felony. Part of the money appropriated by the organization, which issued them, a part spent to the carrying out anti-state operations and involvement of people in the riots. In order to hide the traces of his felony, he was held at the Embassy of the neutral country - Switzerland and then secretly taken abroad. If Emin Huseynov was persecuted because of political views, Switzerland could give him political asylum. If a person implicated in the economic crimes held in the embassy, so there were other interests."

The head of the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety Azerbaijan a few days ago was taken out of the building of the Swiss Embassy in Azerbaijan and took abroad by the plane of the Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter.

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