SIyavush Novruzov: Activities of Russian NGOs in Azerbaijan should be inspected

Baku. 16 May. REPORT.AZ/ “Everybody worries about cancelation of registration of All- Russian Azerbaijani Congress. Azerbaijan always kept positive relations with neighboring states. Despite this, some Russian officials take such steps preferring their own interest."

Report informs, Chairman of Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani Parliament) Committee on Public Unions and Religious organizations, Deputy secretary of ruling New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) SIyavush Novruzov said at todays’ plenary session of parliament.

He told that Russian schools operate in Azerbaijan: “There isn’t even Russian kindergarten in Armenia. We always keep impartial position even when international organizations take different attitude towards Russia, but the opposite side doesn’t take it into account. The Russian Government should be addressed in relation with this issue. Such steps lead to worsening relations. I make an appeal as the Chairman of Milli Majlis Committee on Public Unions and Religious organizations that the activities of Russian NGOs operating in Azerbaijan should be inspected. They should submit statements.”

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