President: A new era begins for Balakhani village

As reported earlier, on 23 September, President Ilham Aliyev and first lady Mehriban Aliyeva viewed the landscaping work carried out in Balakhani settlement, Baku.

Report presents some excerpts from President Ilham Aliyev's conversation with the residents of Balakhani settlement:

"A new era begins for Balakhani village. I congratulate you on this occasion. You know that I have been paying special attention to Balakhani village. A few years ago, the cleaning and removal of that notorious Balakhani garbage dump signaled the start of the environmental work underway here. It had been causing great suffering to the residents of Balakhani and Baku as a whole."

"What used to be a garbage dump has now become a beautiful landfill and jobs have been created. There is an industrial park and a waste incineration plant here. Moreover, most of Lake Boyukshor has already been cleared, and a road has been built over the lake. Therefore, there are good travel opportunities."

"All the work has been done with great love and taste. Infrastructure and sewage projects, the comfortable conditions created for our people, the power lines, the repair of buildings, roofs, roads, and the aesthetic appearance of streets – all this is done for people living here to feel comfortable and create good conditions for them. Besides, jobs have been created. According to the information available to me, residents are involved in the work. They grow trees, flowers, shrubs, and, at the same time, there are people from other places working here. In general, about a thousand people have been provided with jobs in this landscaping work."

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