Pakistani observer: Population of liberated regions will also be able to benefit from opportunities of democracy

Pakistan's Policy Consultant Ahsan Hamid Durrani, who traveled to Azerbaijan to observe the snap elections held on February 7, said he saw great enthusiasm among the people.

The Pakistani observer told Report that there are strong and neutral institutions in Azerbaijan, especially the election commission, which is responsible for conducting these elections:

"As an observer, I expect the elections will be free, fair, and transparent. The fact that the Central Election Commission invited international observers indicates that the integrity of the elections will be protected. As an observer, I visit various polling stations, where I evaluate the process of voting and vote counting. I am sure this election will strengthen Azerbaijan's democracy and democratic institutions."

Durrani stressed that these presidential elections will be held for the first time in the territories freed from the occupation of Armenia: "This will be an important page in the history of Azerbaijan. The population of the regions freed from occupation will also be able to benefit from the opportunities of democracy. The holding of presidential elections in those areas is commendable and should be evaluated positively."

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