More than half of respondents in Azerbaijan believe peace treaty will be signed with Armenia - SURVEY

The Social Research Center has conducted an opinion poll among citizens in order to find out the level of public confidence in a peace treaty to be signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia and diplomatic relations to be established in the near future, Report informs.

In relation to the question "Do you believe that a peace treaty will be signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia and diplomatic relations will be established in the near future?", more than half of the survey participants, i.e. 53.1% (fully believe 22.1%, mostly believe 31.0%) said they believe in it.

44.1% did not believe that the peace treaty would be signed and diplomatic relations would be established, and 2.8% of the respondents found it difficult to express their opinion on this question.

Fieldwork (data collection) of the survey was carried out between September 8 and 11, 2023. 390 respondents over the age of 18 took part in the survey, which was conducted in the form of telephone interviews and covered Baku, Absheron-Khizi, Mountainous Shirvan, Ganja-Dashkasan, Gazakh-Tovuz, Lankaran-Astara, Guba-Khachmaz, Shaki-Zagatala, Karabakh, Central Aran, Mil-Mughan, Shirvan-Salyan economic regions.

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