Head of Center: Russian peacekeeping contingent must fulfill Azerbaijan’s legal requirements

The Russian peacekeeping contingent must fulfill the lawful demands of Azerbaijan, Samir Adigozalli, chairman of the Center for Socio-Political Processes and International Studies, a participant in the rally, told Report’s employee covering a protest rally on the Shusha-Khankandi highway against the illegal exploitation of mineral deposits in Karabakh.

He added that the Russian peacekeepers ignored the legitimate and objective appeal of Azerbaijan.

“Today we are on our territory and express our protest in a civilized manner. However, it is a pity that Russian peacekeepers brought heavy equipment to peaceful people. For 30 years, Armenia has been committing environmental terror on the territory of Azerbaijan. We, as representatives of NGOs, are working on a statement on bringing this issue to the discussion of international organizations.

I believe that this issue should be placed on the agenda of the international community. The Russian peacekeepers seem to be fulfilling the mission of helping and supporting the Armenians. They are not acting in accordance with their mandate. We demand that the Russian peacekeeping contingent comply with the legitimate demands of Azerbaijan. Otherwise, our actions will continue,” Adigozalli added.

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