International journalists visit Azerbaijan’s liberated lands on Remembrance Day

International journalists visited Azerbaijan’s liberated territories in connection with September 27 – the Remembrance Day, Elshad Eyvazli, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Parliamentary Journalists Organization said, Report informs.

Eyvazli mentioned that the journalists were invited to Azerbaijan by the organization he leads.

The chairman explained that the purpose of inviting the journalists was to the return of former internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their homes and highlight the Armenian footprint in the regions freed from occupation.

The visiting journalists included Zsolt Suto Nagy, editor of Hungary’s Magyar Hirlap newspaper and website, Nahida Deniz, a journalist from the Bulgarian State News Agency, 24 Chasa newspaper, Standart newspaper, and BTV channel, and Hamza Jumayev, editor-in-chief of Uzbekistan’s Yoshlar TV and a member of the Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan.

Several meetings with these journalists are also expected to take place in Baku. The journalists will return to their countries on September 29.

This visit was supported by the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations as part of the “End Displacement: Promotion of the Settlement Process in Foreign Media” project.

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