Farewell ceremony for martyred cameraman held

A farewell ceremony has begun for Siraj Abishov, the operator of the Azerbaijani Television (AzTV), who was killed by a landmine in Kalbajar.

The farewell ceremony with the martyred cameraman is being held at his house Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev settlement, Sumgayit city.

The ceremony was attended by family members and relatives of the martyr, Assistant to the President, Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmet Hajiyev, Executive Director of the Media Development Agency (MEDIA) Ahmad Ismayilov, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting CJSC Rovshan Mammadov and public figures.

After the ceremony, his body will be buried in the Alley of Martyrs in Sumgayit.

At about 11.00 am on June 4, 2021, a Kamaz passenger car with employees of TV channels and news agencies dispatched to the de-occupied Kalbajar region for the performance of their official duties was hit by an anti-tank mine while driving in the direction of the Susuzlug village. Three people, including Siraj Abishov (cameraman of AzTV), Maharram Ibrahimov (employee of AzerTag news agency), Arif Aliyev (deputy representative of the head of the Executive Power in the Susuzlug village) died, and four others were hospitalized with various injuries.

The Military Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan has launched a criminal case under Article 100.2 (planning, preparation, initiation, or waging wars of aggression), 116.0.6 (violation of international humanitarian law during an armed conflict), and other articles of the Criminal Code.

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