Euronews covers snap parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan

Euronews has published an article on its website about the snap parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan, Report informs.

The article notes that these are the first parliamentary elections in the country since Azerbaijan regained full control over its Karabakh region.

The TV channel noted that 25 political parties were participating in the elections, and the elected MPs would exercise legislative power in the country for the next five years. As many as 990 candidates were competing for 125 seats in parliament.

In the sixth convocation of the parliament, the ruling party occupied 69 out of 125 seats, and the TV channel assumes in its report that following the results of the current vote, it will also retain the majority in the parliament, the Milli Majlis.

Euronews talked about the expectations of voters, which are mainly related to the development of the education system and the further development of the country in general.

The article noted that Azerbaijan had invited 200 international observers who monitored the elections throughout the country, including the liberated territories that were under Armenian occupation for 30 years. At the same time, the Central Election Commission said that 50 organizations were participating with observation missions.

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