Deputy Prosecutor General: Inspections underway at Lifttemir PU

Baku. 9 October. REPORT.AZ/ Inspections are underway at Lifttemir PU functioning within the Baku City Executive Power. Investigation measures are underway in relation to the indicated body," Deputy Chief Prosecutor - Chief of the Anti-Corruption Department under Prosecutor, General Kamran Aliyev said, according to Report.

Aliyev noted that a working group involving specialists was created and objective investigation of the case will be fully ensured.

Notably, a criminal case has been launched under the Article 179.4 (embezzlement or wasting - in particular with large amount loss) and Article 308.2 (abuse of power, causing serious consequences) at the Anti-Corruption Department within the Prosecutor General's Office.

Earlier this month, the General Director of Lifttemir PU Gudrat Shukurov was dismissed from his post.

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