Azerbaijan updates quarantine-related SMS permission system

Azerbaijan has made changes to SMS permissions system (8103) when leaving homes during the quarantine. Elnur Niftaliyev, Head of the Public Relations Department at the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan told Report.

According to him, from now on SMS permissions system will be available one time a day: "The proceedings of the State Agency revealed that some citizens abuse the SMS permissions. Due to the increase in the number of such cases, a restriction is introduced on the use of codes during the day. So, a person who used code 1 during the day will no longer be able to use code 2.”

The state agency recommends citizens to meet food requirements when dialing code 1.

Earlier, due to abuse of the SMS permissions system, the response time for obtaining permits was increased to 15 minutes.

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Flag Square inaugurated in Shusha 19 September, 2024 / 16:58