Azerbaijan develops even more day by day owing to President's wise policy - OPINION

"Azerbaijan, which achieved a historic victory in the 44-day Patriotic War, today outlines the directions of the further development of the region," member of Milli Majlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan Vugar Isgandarov told Report.

"The policy pursued by our country both before and after the war is praised by the international community. Naturally, an important role in this belongs to the fact that President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev is an influential politician of the world scale, who demonstrates qualities of a true leader," Isgandarov said.

The lawmaker noted that the world community highly appreciates the answers given by the head of state to the questions put by foreign media representatives both during the meetings and in separate interviews.

"We have repeatedly witnessed the special respect the international community, including the heads of separate leading countries, displays towards Ilham Aliyev. The leadership qualities and the far-sightedness of the President of Azerbaijan are under the international community's spotlight. Owing to the multidimensional, wise policy conducted under the leadership of the President, Azerbaijan develops even more day after day," the MP said.

He noted that the President of Azerbaijan makes the timely and correct assessment of the complex developments ongoing in the region and the world.

"It further increases his influence in the international arena and leads Azerbaijan out of these processes without losses. We have witnessed it once again during the processes ongoing on the back of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict," he said.

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