#KarabakhisAzerbaijan, #StopArmenianAgression hashtags become a world trend

When all conflicts and wars have ceased due to the global pandemic, treacherous military provocations by Armenia on the state border of Azerbaijan and misinformation on social media have provoked strong reactions of Azerbaijani Diaspora Volunteers and Diaspora youth.

The State Committee on Work with  Diaspora told Report.

Azerbaijani youth living in different countries and unified in "Karabakh is Azerbaijan!" platform Initiated by Azerbaijani Diaspora Volunteers has been sharing information on social networks, including Twitter, about the provocation committed by Armenia on the state border since July 13.

Young people shared thousands of photos, videos and other information about the realities of Nagorno-Karabakh, the atrocities committed by Armenians in Karabakh and surrounding areas, the current provocations on the frontline on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, using the hashtags #KarabakhisAzerbaijan, #Karabakh, #StopArmenianAgression, #StopArmenianOccupation. Azerbaijani youth shared about 100,000 posts using such hashtags. Owing to the unity and solidarity of youth living in our country and abroad, the hashtags mentioned on Twitter during July 14-15 have become a world trend.

Notably, a YouTube channel, "Karabakh Is Azerbaijan!" has been created on Azerbaijani Diaspora Volunteers' initiative. Azerbaijani Diaspora Volunteers, together with Diaspora youth, make videos about the realities of Karabakh - its history, culture, music, personalities, population, traditions, nature, cuisine, etc. in English, Russian and other languages, and broadcast them on the channel. The aim is to draw the international community's attention to the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and to reiterate the truth to the world in different languages.

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