Head of Diaspora: “New methods on Azerbaijan’s Diaspora in Europe yield results"

Baku. 7 September. REPORT.AZ/ Interview of Chairman of the Azerbaijani-German Cultural Society, and World Boxing Committee Haydar Aliyev - WBCA Yashar Niftaliyev with Report:

- Azerbaijani Diaspora has reportedly entered a new stage, activity in a wider spectrum. How is it manifested in Europe, especially Germany?

- Generally, though the history of Azerbaijan’s diaspora dates back to old times, historical breaks hindered its development. However, the final stage has switched to the most active and long-term stage after the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev returned to power. A significant turn is observed in the diaspora. Nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev met with Azerbaijanis living abroad during his visit to foreign countries and dealt with their problems and desires, gave valuable recommendations for recognition of our motherland abroad.

Organization of the first congress of the world Azerbaijanis was an example of these works. At this Congress, the foundation was laid for the unity of Azerbaijanis around a common idea and ideas directed to the future.

One of the main priorities was to intensify the integration of our compatriots and further promote Azerbaijan’s realities. It should be noted that the majority of Azerbaijanis living abroad, especially in Europe, have migrated there after Azerbaijan’s independence.

I wouldn’t call the new activity of Azerbaijan’s diaspora in Germany a new stage. I would call it a period of demonstration of solidarity and use of new methods. New methods of the Azerbaijani diaspora in Europe, including Germany, are producing effect. Chairman of Azerbaijan's State Committee on Work with Diaspora Fuad Muradov’s meetings, discussions with our compatriots in several European countries and decisions caused a serious revival. This manifests itself in the revival of lobbyism.

- What about Azerbaijan’s lobby movement in Germany? What examples can you cite to help us learn more about it?

- In general, I can say that lobbyism is a new stage for Azerbaijanis. I earlier mentioned the reasons. New steps after independence and etc. We – Azerbaijanis are evolving in Europe, establishing close contacts with local government bodies, electoral bodies, and are gaining friends. These are yielding results now. Azerbaijanis are elected, appointed to local bodies in several regions. The new methods in diaspora will accelerate lobbyism too. Basically, our young people become members of local parties and these are on the agenda. The main point is a strong integration. Otherwise, the lobbyism will develop slowly.

- You are mainly engaged with the organization of international boxing competitions in the Diaspora. At what stage is your activity now? What novelties do you have?

- Of course, the sport is a tool of propaganda which allows us to deliver all the necessary factors to the local community. Therefore, I directed my power to sporting events and media. The time of gathering 10-15 people and holding template events has passed. We lay emphasis on a larger scale. We direct our strength to different projects with local population. By the way, this can also be considered as a wing of lobbyism.

We have new plans in sport. One of them is to increase the number of Azerbaijani athletes in the World Boxing Committee Haydar Aliyev (WBCA). I’m sure I will achieve it. If we achieve, we’ll be able to prevent the appearance of unwanted persons who hinder the development of Azerbaijan and behave inadequately in Europe. That’s we can receive good results in the contribution of Azerbaijan’s youths to our national interest.

Mubariz Aslanov

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