Governor of Donetsk Oblast: Azerbaijanis very active here

As in other regions of Ukraine, there are multi-ethnic cities in the Donetsk Oblast, Pavel Kyrylenko, the head of the military administration of the Donetsk region, told Report.

"Among these few nations, Azerbaijanis are very active," Kyrylenko said.

He noted that Azerbaijani citizens of Ukraine did not leave the province when the war started:

"Our Azerbaijani residents not only did not leave this place during the war, but unlike some others, they started to defend their second homeland. Many of them were not born in Ukraine but have lived here for many years and consider it a second homeland. There are many such cases here. Ukraine is forever grateful to the patriots who fought for it. He does not necessarily have to be Ukrainian by nationality, the main thing is that he is a person who loves the sovereign Ukraine where he lives, regardless of his ethnicity."

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