European Azerbaijanis protest Armenian military provocation

Azerbaijani diaspora organizations in Europe protested the provocation of Armenia's armed forces on the state border with Azerbaijan, Report informs.

The Azerbaijani community living and operating in Italy released a statement regarding the large-scale provocation committed by the Armenian Army on September 12, 2022.

The statement signed by the chairman of the Azerbaijan-Italy Union, Farid Abbasov, provided detailed information about the military provocation of Armenia and drew attention to the reasons for this aggression. It was noted that Armenia's military and political leadership bears all responsibility for the provocation, confrontation, and losses: "We, the Azerbaijanis of Italy, firmly declare that these actions taken by Armenia are completely inconsistent with the process of normalization and peace. Despite Armenia's aggressive attacks, the Azerbaijani state is carrying out large-scale reconstruction and construction work in the liberated territories. It again shows that Armenia hinders the peace process in every possible way. We once again call on international organizations and institutions to take practical steps at an international level to prevent such attacks, while at the same time intensifying efforts to urge Armenia to put its revanchist ideas to rest and make peace."

The Azerbaijan-Netherlands "Land of Fire" community operating in the Netherlands released a statement regarding the large-scale provocations committed by the Armenian Army on September 12, 2022. The statement, signed by the chairman of the community, Frangiz Bagirova, addressed to the local and international community, provided detailed information about Armenia's war crime, which is contrary to international legal norms, the normalization and peace process in the South Caucasus region.

Azerbaijanis living in Hungary also protested the provocation by the Armenian armed forces on the state border with Azerbaijan. The members of the Azerbaijani community living and operating in Hungary released a statement regarding the large-scale sabotage attacks committed by the Armenian Army on September 12, 2022. The statement released by the Budapest-based Azerbaijan House provided detailed information about the recent aggression committed by Armenia. Attention was drawn to the causes of military provocation, which is contrary to international legal norms and the normalization and peace process in the South Caucasus region.

The Azerbaijani community living in Hannover, Germany, strongly protested the military provocation of the aggressor Armenia. In the statement of the German-Azerbaijani Friendship Association addressed to the local and international community, detailed information was provided about the losses that occurred as a result of military provocation. Attention was drawn to the reasons for the aggression of Armenia, which is incompatible with international legal norms.

Azerbaijan Cultural Association operating in Nantes, France, released a statement condemning the large-scale provocation committed by the Armenian Army on September 12, 2022. In the association's statement addressed to the local and international community, detailed information was given about Armenia's recent aggression in the South Caucasus region, which is incompatible with the normalization and peace process, and attention was drawn to the causes of this war crime.

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