Azerbaijanis picket in front of UN representative office in Moldova

The Azerbaijani community held a peaceful protest in front of the UN representative office in Moldova, the State Committee for Work with Diaspora said, Report informs.

As reported, the participants of the picket organized by the Congress of Moldovan Azerbaijanis protested against the latest provocations by the Armenian armed forces on the state border of Azerbaijan and the attempts of the official Yerevan to prevent the establishment of long-term peace in the South Caucasus region.

The participants, waving the flags of Azerbaijan and Moldova, protested the deaths of civilians as a result of the explosion of mines planted by the Armenian armed forces on Azerbaijani lands, the attempts to plant new mines in our liberated lands, the war crimes committed against Azerbaijan. They also drew attention to the fact that civilians, children, and teenagers were killed as a result of missile attacks on Azerbaijani cities such as Ganja, Barda, Mingachevir, Goranboy, and Tartar, which are located tens of kilometers away from the front line and the conflict zone during the Second Karabakh War, as well as the mass graves found in Edilli and the Khojaly genocide.

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