Azerbaijanis earn highest salaries among other migrants in Russia

Baku. 14 August. REPORT.AZ/ Migrant workers from Belarus, Azerbaijan and Georgia are paid the highest salaries in comparison with other migrants in Russia, Report informs citing the “Kommersant”.

Thus, in accordance with the research of the Russian Higher School of Economics, Azerbaijanis and Georgians in the legal status of migrants for 2017 receive on average 35, 9 000 Rubles (600 USD). The Belarusians take the first place with the salary of 41,1 000 Rubles (686 USD).

Migrant workers from Armenia earn on average 31,1 000 Rubles (519 USD).

It is also noted that Azerbaijanis often come to Russia for a short period of time, and many of them are engaged in the field of trade, perhaps, at enterprises of their compatriots.

Some 58,1% of Azerbaijani migrants would like to stay in Russia for good; 17,5% intend to move between their motherland and Russia, 9,2% of Azerbaijanis are ready to work in Russia for a year or longer, 5,8% have expressed the wish to work in Russia only for several months, and others have had difficulties to answer the question.

The research has shown that the decrease of migrants from Azerbaijan has been recorded compared to 2014. 

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