Azerbaijani diaspora provide medical supplies to Ukrainian border guards

The Azerbaijani diaspora in Ukraine provided assistance containing high-tech medical equipment to Ukrainian border guards, Report informs.

President of the Ukrainian Assembly of Nationalities, and Chairman of the United Ukrainian Azerbaijanis Congress Rovshan Taghiyev told Report that German-made medical equipment will allow Ukrainian border guards to be examined and treated without leaving their service area.

The equipment brought by Congress together with its German partners includes laboratory examination devices, ward supplies, computer diagnostic systems, etc. Aid was delivered to the border units in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Taghiyev said this type of aid will be intensively delivered in this region together with the Chairman of the Congress for Chernivtsi region, Namig Aliyev.

The Command of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine awarded Rovshan Taghiyev and Namig Aliyev for their role in the provision of humanitarian aid.

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