Azerbaijani Diaspora journalists appeal to international organizations

A group of Azerbaijani journalists living abroad appealed to the international community and international organizations regarding the death of Siraj Abishov and Maharram Ibrahimov, employees of the Azerbaijan State News Agency and Azerbaijan Television in the liberated territories, on June 4 in the Susuzluq village of Kalbajar region.

According to the State Committee on Work with the Diaspora, the appeal reads:

"Journalists have an essential role to play in the war zone, as well as in the areas where the war ended, to disseminate impartial and objective information, and to act as a bridge between the conflict zone and other parties. We bring to your attention with great regret that Siraj Abishov and Maharram Ibrahimov, employees of the Azerbaijan State News Agency and Azerbaijan Television, who were on duty in the liberated territories, were killed by a mine on June 4 in the village of Susuzlug, Kalbajar region.

"A total of three people were killed, and four others were seriously injured when an anti-tank mine hit a vehicle carrying the film crew. After the end of the war, more than 140 people were hit by landmines planted by the Armenian occupiers in the liberated areas, and 27 of them were killed. The tragedy shows that Armenia is still pursuing an insidious policy in the region, carrying out mining in various ways in the freed lands of Azerbaijan. So, there are serious threats to the lives of civilians and members of the media in the region, and we journalists are deeply concerned about this situation.

"Unfortunately, international non-governmental organizations and associations of journalists, which in many cases act as defenders of journalists' rights, do not react to the crimes and remain silent. The indifference of international human rights organizations and associations of journalists to such violations of human rights and the law, which hinder the activities of civilians, including members of the media, can lead to an increase in such crimes around the world.

"As Azerbaijani journalists living abroad, we appeal to international organizations, including the United Nations and the Council of Europe, as well as human rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch that Armenian armed forces grossly break humanitarian norms and principles, violating international human rights by not providing maps of minefields of the liberated territories of Azerbaijan as a result of the 44-day war, and now secretly entering the country and conducting the mining process.

"We reiterate that the lives of civilians and members of the media have come to an end due to Armenia's criminal acts and demand that the occupying power disclose the maps of the mines they planted in the territories of Azerbaijan, which have been held under occupation for 30 years, and stop the mining process within our borders defined by international law. In addition, we ask that the international community and journalistic organizations be sensitive to what is happening."

Mammad Gulmammadov - Turkey Haber Global

Sevil Nuriyeva Turkey - Turkmedia Group

Natig Nailaoglu - Turkey Real TV

Nigar Mahmudova - Turkey Haber Global

Ilhama Gasimli - Turkish independent journalist

Mahsati Sharif - Turkish independent journalist

Konul Shamilgizi - Turkish independent journalist

Nigar Ogeday - Turkish independent journalist

Vugar Abbasov - head of the Dutch connect organization, journalist Khatira Sardargizi - Netherlands Real TV

Tunzala Rafiggizi - German independent journalist

Farahim Gasimov - Germany

Vahid Imanov - Spanish independent journalist

Saadat Kadyrova - Russian political scientist, journalist

Shahriyar Imanbeyli - Vice President of the Russian Media Holding Vostok

Khayal Tagiyev - Russian independent journalist

Nilufer Shikhli - Russia Ria Novosti

Ramiz Mashadihasanli - Kazakhstan Turkel Media

Asli Khalilgizi - Turkish independent journalist

Azer Jahangirov - Russian international journalist

Naila Efendiyeva - editor of the Russian site

Idrak Abbasov - Norwegian Public Television and Radio Company

Azer Mammadov - Georgian independent journalist

Hijran Aliyeva - Polish independent journalist

Vahid Gazi - Swedish independent journalist

Museyib Alakbarov - editor of the Russian website

Ogtay Hajimusali - Turkish independent journalist

Ilkin Huseynov - Georgia

Nahid Gurbanov - Georgia

Ulker Farmangizi - Turkey

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