Another 250 Azerbaijanis to be evacuated from Kharkiv

"We are currently in western Ukraine. There are 120 Azerbaijanis on two trains," Samir Adigozalli, chairman of the Center for Social-Political Processes and International Studies, told Report.

According to him, the train will arrive in Lviv in about 5-6 hours:

"There were no problems along the way, it was calm. The next evacuation from Kharkiv will take place in half an hour. This time, about 250 Azerbaijanis will leave the city. It is organized by the Honorary Consulate of Azerbaijan in Kharkiv. In total, about 400 Azerbaijanis have been evacuated in the last three days. But we still have enough compatriots waiting to be evacuated. They took refuge in the basement, and evacuation is not so easy."

Adigozalli said that the train ticket for the evacuees was provided free of charge by the Honorary Consulate: "The evacuees will be sent to Azerbaijan after arriving in Lviv and Poland."

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