World Turkish Coffee Day celebrated in New York

"December 5 - World Turkish Coffee Day" was celebrated in New York's famous Times Square, Report informs.

Turkish Consul General in New York Reyhan Ozgur, representatives of non-governmental organizations, and Turkish and Azerbaijani community activists participated in the program.

In his speech, Consul General Özgür emphasized that Turkish coffee occupies an important place in Turkish culture and thanked everyone who contributed to the promotion of Turkish coffee in the United States.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has announced December 5 as "World Turkish Coffee Day" in New York City. Live music and dance performances were presented in the program. In addition, on two separate digital screens in Times Square, images were broadcast about the history of Turkish coffee and its place in Turkish society. At the end of the program, Turkish coffee was served to the guests who visited Times Square.

Turkish coffee was included in UNESCO's list of the non-cultural heritage of humanity in 2013.

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