Shooting of film about children terrorized by Armenia over

The shooting of the documentary film "The Big Red House" ("Böyük qırmızı ev") is over, Azerbaijanfilm told Report.

The shooting of the film "Children of War" (new name "Big Red House") in Baku and Ganja has ended. The film is currently being edited. The documentary sheds light on the lives of children who suffered physical and psychological trauma due to the terrorist attacks by Armenia on the eve of the Second Karabakh War.

The film is written and directed by Leylakhanim Ganbarli, and a cameraman is Daniel Guliyev, creative producer Irada Bagirzade, executive producer Vidadi Rustamov, and producer Fariz Ahmadov. Actor Namig Agayev plays the role of a puppeteer in the film.

The project is made by Azerbaijanfilm film studio on the order of the Ministry of Culture.

The film won the "Great Return" short feature, documentary, and animated film project competition held by the Ministry of Culture last year.

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