Ocal Oguz: Everything possible should be done to bring life back to Karabakh

Everything possible should be done to bring life back to Karabakh, so that it becomes a place for people to live peacefully, Ocal Oguz, chairman of the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO.

"At the meeting that we held in Bursa in May this year, with the recommendation of Azerbaijan and the consent of the national commissions of all other Turkic countries, it was decided to hold a meeting in Shusha in 2023. At the meeting, we, as members of the national commissions of TURKSOY, will talk about our experience about what contribution we can make to the development of cooperation with Azerbaijan," he said.

Ocal Oguz added that after this meeting, a seminar on intangible cultural heritage will also be organized.

"Cities and villages in Karabakh were completely destroyed during the occupation, and now there is a large-scale work to restore them. Karabakh is known for its rich culture, but now almost all cultural monuments have been destroyed, disappeared. It is necessary to explore the possibilities of digitizing some of them as part of a conservation program UNESCO World Heritage Site," he said.

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