Minister: Azerbaijan expects UNESCO to take fair and impartial position

Negotiations are underway on the visit of the UNESCO mission to the liberated territories, Culture Minister of Azerbaijan Anar Karimov told journalists.

He said the technical details of the conditions of Azerbaijan and the organization of this mission had been provided to UNESCO:

"UNESCO must decide on the issue. We expect them to take a fair and impartial position on this matter. We hope that the organization will not politicize it, the issue will be implemented only in accordance with its mandate. We are very interested in carrying out this mission because we would like the whole world to investigate the facts of the destruction of our historical and cultural monuments in Karabakh and evaluate them. Therefore, Azerbaijan has always supported such a mission. Azerbaijan expects UNESCO to be equally sensitive to this issue."

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Flag Square inaugurated in Shusha 19 September, 2024 / 16:58