ESA Theater preparing film performance on Second Karabakh War

After five years of work, the ESA Theater must receive full support from the state, i.e., it is important to grant the legal status to the theater, the director of the ESA Theater, Nihad Gulamzadeh, told Report while assessing the activities of the cultural center.

According to him, the continuous and active operation of the private theater for five years is commendable, but also tricky:

"Although our theatre has faced many challenges over the years, we have been collectively positive. Due to the collective spirit, today we celebrate our 5th anniversary not passively but actively. Why shouldn't the first inclusive theater in the country, which has always been successful during its existence and has public sympathy, has the status of a state? If we have been successful for five years, despite many difficulties, then we have the potential to show many times more than these successes without problems."

Speaking about the goals of the theater, the director said that society needs ESA: "We aim to make the theater more valuable and productive. I believe that this dream will come true. The biggest wish of the whole team is to get rid of rents in the upcoming theater season and to have an inclusive theater building."

Gulamzadeh stressed that ESA Theater is currently preparing a film performance dedicated to the Second Karabakh War:

"We plan to present the project on the eve of the first anniversary of our victory. The public will be informed in detail in the coming days."

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