Director General: ICESCO highly appreciates Azerbaijan's efforts to build peace

ICESCO Director-General Salim Mohammed AlMalik made a video address to the participants of the Partnership Forum "Peace4Culture", Report informs.

He thanked the Azerbaijani government for organizing such an event: "COVID-19 has affected our lives and interactions. The pandemic has exacerbated the problem of inequality and the gap between the rich and the poor."

The director-general said that nothing but culture could save the world. ICESCO is committed to working for peace in the region.

"We support the socialization of all partners for peace, which brings everyone together. It is essential to maintain and promote the peace process. We support these initiatives in terms of involving young people, women, and leaders. It will encourage politicians to come together and discuss these issues in this forum. We are ready to promote Azerbaijan's peace mission for culture," he added.

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