Chilean playwright Pablo Manzi's play to be read in Baku

As part of the Characters Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival in Baku, a reading of the play "Where the Barbarians Live" (original title: "Donde Viven los Bárbaros") by Chilean playwright and director Pablo Manzi will take place on July 3.

According to Report, which cites the Chilean embassy in Azerbaijan, the event will be held at the Kapellhaus German-Azerbaijani Cultural Society.

Tural Mustafayev, a director from the Azerbaijan State Academic Russian Drama Theater and the Azerbaijan State Yug Theater, will lead the reading, featuring students from the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts.

Since November 2023, the Characters festival has hosted a series of events aimed at promoting and developing contemporary dramaturgy in Azerbaijan. The main event was a playwriting competition, with the winners' plays being read on stage at the State Song Theater in March 2024. Characters continues its program of readings of contemporary plays by Azerbaijani and foreign authors at various venues.

Pablo Manzi's play, written in 2015, tackles themes of violence, fears in the modern world, socio-political disagreements within society, and touches upon issues of migrants and gender identity.

Admission to the event is free, with an age restriction of 18+.

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