Azerbaijan holds presentation of Latvian cultural heritage

A presentation ceremony of Latvian cultural heritage in Azerbaijan “Julijs Straume -150: Ornaments across cultures”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Latvian textile artist Julijs Straume was held in Baku today, Report informs.

The speaker of the Latvian Parliament Daiga Mierina, took part in the event.

"In recent years, relations between the two countries in various fields are pleasing to everyone. Julijs Straume left a huge cultural legacy. Fortunately, this heritage can be found not only in Latvia, but also in Azerbaijan," said Farhad Jabbarov, executive director of the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan, at the opening of the event.

During the presentation, a video about the life and work of Julijs Straume, by Fuad Akhundov, a researcher in the field of history and architecture of Baku city, was shown.

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