UN media seminar highlights effective communication strategies for COP29

A media seminar titled "Effective Communication Strategies for COP29" has been held as part of the program "29 Climate Conversations: Path to COP29" organized by the UN Office in Azerbaijan, according to Report.

The event, which was dedicated to the upcoming UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP29) in November, emphasized the crucial role of media in raising awareness about climate change.
Alexander Sayer, a representative of the UN Framework Convention, noted that the convention was established in 1992 and has 197 countries and the EU as its participants. He stressed the significance of the Paris Agreement and the need to develop new action plans every five years. According to Sayer, the goal is to maintain climate change within 1.5 degrees Celsius and set financial targets to combat climate consequences.

Yalchin Rafiyev, the lead negotiator for COP29, warned that under the current climate change scenario, the world might face severe cataclysms. He emphasized the necessity of taking serious actions and achieving the conference's objectives, including setting an upper limit of $100 billion to fight climate change.

Narmin Jarchalova, the chairperson of the board of directors and CEO of COP29, provided updates on the preparations for the conference. The Baku Olympic Stadium will host the event, with designated areas for various activities, including a media zone and a VIP section.

Vladanka Andreeva, the UN Resident Coordinator in Azerbaijan, noted that hosting COP29 is a significant responsibility and an opportunity to expand cooperation. She expressed gratitude to everyone involved in organizing the conference and pledged support for initiatives aimed at preventing climate change.

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