Deputy minister: Countries responsible for greenhouse gas emissions have means to reduce them

The countries responsible for the most greenhouse gas emissions are also those with the means to adapt their economic models to reduce future emissions, Azerbaijani Deputy Energy Minister, Chief Executive Officer of COP29 Elnur Soltanov told a high-level meeting titled "Pathway to COP29: Sustainable and Resilient Future" held in Baku, according to Report.

He noted that in the global fight against climate change, the countries that are historically responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions stand out:

"The countries that have benefited most from historical emissions are also those with the means to adapt their economic models to reduce future emissions. This poses a paradox: developing nations, which have contributed the least to climate change, still require support to implement greenhouse gas reductions effectively."

"Historically, there has been a divide between developed and developing nations. Developed countries, acknowledging their greater historical emissions, agreed to support developing countries through financial aid, technology transfer, and capacity building, known collectively as the 'means of implementation.' This principle underlines the need for substantial financial commitments, such as the pledged $100 billion annually, to help developing nations mitigate and adapt to climate change," the Azerbaijani deputy minister stressed.

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