COP29 can act as defender of colonies experiencing environmental disaster

The Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change has consistently focused on solving global environmental problems and served as a platform for discussing climate change issues. However, holding this event in Azerbaijan has led to political pressure against the country. Western states, especially the US, continue to spread disinformation and false accusations against Azerbaijan through international organizations and media outlets.

This politicization of COP29 is an attempt to divert attention from key environmental issues and undermine Azerbaijan's global reputation. Firstly, the US is among the countries causing the most environmental damage. This state remains the world's largest oil producer and a major participant in armed conflicts. Nevertheless, the United States spends minimal resources on combating climate change, preferring to direct public attention to political manipulation rather than real environmental action. While the whole world is waiting for the US and developed countries to increase investments in climate policy, the West, on the contrary, is trying to divert attention from solving environmental problems and use COP29 as a means of pressure on states.

In this case, one of the main issues to be discussed at COP29 could be the impact of the military industry on climate. According to estimates, 6% of global emissions today come from the military industry, but the real figure could be much higher. Due to lack of transparency, many countries, including the US, are reluctant to disclose information about the damage from their military operations. Western countries continue to wage unjust wars in various parts of the world, resulting in significant environmental disasters. Wars destroy natural resources, ecosystems and make a major contribution to global warming.

COP29 could play an important role as a platform to discuss this issue and increase the responsibility of countries that produce and export weapons. All these issues could lead to serious talks at COP29, as the impact of wars on climate is one of the most overlooked topics in international discussions. In addition, COP29 could raise questions about the fate of countries whose natural resources are exploited without regard to environmental consequences against the backdrop of neo-colonialism by Western countries such as the US and France. Finally, COP29 could create a platform for peoples who continue to suffer from colonial policies and allow them to put forward their legitimate demands. Because many former colonies continue to suffer from the consequences of neo-colonial policies that negatively affect their natural resources and climate.

Thus, attempts to politicize COP29 could lead to discussion of other global problems as well. It is possible to raise issues such as decolonization, the impact of war and armament on the environment within the framework of the conference. For example, the status of France's overseas territories, where the exploitation of natural resources and violation of the rights of locals still continue, could be a topic of discussion.

Despite difficult geopolitical conditions and constant pressure from Western countries, Azerbaijan is trying to make a real contribution to global efforts to combat climate change. The country is already applying clean technologies and developing ways to use renewable energy sources, which emphasizes its commitment to international climate agreements. Azerbaijan is ready to offer constructive solutions and support dialogue that will eliminate the politicization of this important event and allow for more effective combat to eliminate global environmental problems.

Report Analytical Group

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