Ukrainian MP visits head office of Report News Agency

Deputy of the Poltava Oblast Council of Ukraine, energy expert Yevgeny Korf visited the head office of the Report News Agency.

After getting acquainted with the office, Report's Editor-in-Chief Murad Aliyev briefed the guest on the Agency's activities and said that they broadly covered the news about Ukraine.

Murad Aliyev

Aliyev noted that besides Ukraine, Report has centers in Turkey, Turkmenistan, Russia, and other countries. The Agency operates in three languages and pays special attention to the events in Ukraine.

Expressing gratitude for the cordial meeting and reception, Korf said it was his first visit to Azerbaijan. He arrived to attend the event on establishing the Ukrainian-Azerbaijani Business Council held in Baku yesterday.

Yevgeny Korf

Repeatedly stressing that our city is wonderful, the MP said that Ukrainian business people wanted to be closely involved in the restoration of the liberated territories of Azerbaijan and would do their best in this matter.

According to Korf, he is interested in further deepening political, economic, and cultural ties between Poltava and Azerbaijan. He noted that the relations between Azerbaijani and Ukrainian businessmen would be further expanded in the future, and he was interested in doing the necessary work.

According to the guest, it is necessary to improve further business relations to bring closer ties between the two countries and strengthen friendly relations.

The meeting continued with discussions on issues of mutual interest.

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