Showroom with Dagestani goods, products may open in Baku

A working meeting between Russian Trade Representative in Azerbaijan Ruslan Mirsayapov and Director of the Dagestan Export Support Center Ruslan Abaskuliyev took place at the representative office of the Russian Export Center in Azerbaijan, Report informs citing the Mirmol online publication.

During the meeting the sides discussed the issues of attracting investments from Azerbaijan to industrial projects, Territories of Advanced Social and Economic Development (TASEDs), tourism infrastructure enterprises and the agricultural sector of the Republic of Dagestan.

Also, at the initiative of the Dagestan side, the possibility of placing a permanent showroom of Dagestan products in Baku is currently being considered. In the first quarter of 2022, a full-time business mission to Azerbaijan of Dagestani exporters is planned under the auspices of the republican Center for Export Support.

The meeting was also attended by the representative of Russian Export Center JSC in Azerbaijan Nikolay Bondov, employee of the representative office of the Republic of Dagestan in Baku Khosrov Hasanbekov, as well as the employees of the Trade Representation.

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