Russia opens helicopter repair and maintenance center in Azerbaijan

The construction of a center for helicopter repairs and maintenance with the participation of Russian investors has been completed in Azerbaijan, Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafayev told the 20th meeting of the Azerbaijani-Russian Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation, according to Report.

The minister added that the center is expected to be fully operational in the third quarter of 2022.

The groundbreaking ceremony of the center was held on December 9, 2019, at the territory of the Zabrat Airport. In this regard, a relevant contract was signed by President of Azerbaijan Airlines company Jahangir Asgarov and Director-General of Russian Helicopters Andrei Boginskiy.

In the first years of the operation of the service center, it is planned to repair 4-6 helicopters of various modifications, and then increase this capacity to 8-10 propellers per year.

The establishment of such a unique and competitive enterprise in Azerbaijan will be another key to success for the development of small aviation in the country and the training of new personnel in the aviation sector.

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