Russia-EU trade falls to its lowest level since 2000

Bilateral trade turnover between Russia and the EU at the end of April decreased by 6% month-on-month and amounted to 5.6 billion euros, which is the lowest figure since January 2000, according to the Eurostat report, Report informs.

Deliveries of Russian goods to Europe during the period decreased by 17% compared to March, amounting to 2.7 billion euros. This is the lowest figure since June 1999.

The main share of exports from the Russian Federation to the European market in April included gas (supplies worth 1.15 billion euros). Next come iron and steel (288.5 million euros) and petroleum products (248 million euros).

Meanwhile, sales of goods from the EU to Russia increased by 6% in April, reaching 2.9 billion euros. A significant part of the supplies came from medicines (760 million euros). The Russian Federation also actively purchased equipment (303 million euros) and optical instruments (186.5 million euros) from EU countries.

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