Ministry: Turning into country of green growth among Azerbaijan's national priorities

One of the five national priorities in Azerbaijan is related to becoming a green growth country, the head of the department at the Ministry of Economy, Huseyn Huseynov, said at the forum “Tax system in the new development period: strategic goals for a sustainable economy” in Baku, Report informs.

He noted that by 2026, the share of renewable sources in total electricity production should increase from 17% to 24%.

“Bringing this indicator to 30% in 2030 is one of the main priorities of the socio-economic development strategy. We have defined our strategic documents and goals in the direction of green growth and green economy. Among the priorities now is accelerating the process of implementing the goals. I think that these issues will be the focus both within COP-29 and during the implementation of the action plan for the year of green growth,” Huseynov added.

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